We recommend using Vitest but you're free to use the library with any testing framework and runner you're comfortable with.
- Install Vitest and jsdom
We're using jdom
here as the test environment, but you can use any other
options e.g happy-dom
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev vitest jsdom
yarn add --dev vitest jsdom
Optionally install @vitest/ui
, which opens a UI within a browser window to
follow the progress and interact with your tests.
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev @vitest/ui
yarn add --dev @vitest/ui
Add the test scipts to your
to run the tests with Vitest{
"scripts": {
"test": "vitest run",
"test:ui": "vitest --ui",
"test:watch": "vitest"
}To compile the Svelte components before using them in Vitest, you need to install @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte and Vite
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte vite
yarn add --dev @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte vite
Add a
configuration file to the root of your projectimport {defineConfig} from 'vite'
import {svelte} from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [svelte({hot: !process.env.VITEST})],
test: {
globals: true,
environment: 'jsdom',
})Optionally install vitest-dom to add handy assertions to Vitest
5.1 Install
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev vitest-dom
yarn add --dev vitest-dom
5.2 import
at within the vitest setup file (usuallyvitest-setup.(js|ts)
)import * as matchers from 'vitest-dom/matchers'
import {expect} from 'vitest'
// or:
import 'vitest-dom/extend-expect'Create your component and a test file (checkout the rest of the docs to see how) and run the following command to run the tests.
- npm
- Yarn
npm run test
yarn run test
Install Jest & jest-environment-jsdom
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev jest jest-environment-jsdom
yarn add --dev jest jest-environment-jsdom
Add the following to your
"scripts": {
"test": "jest src",
"test:watch": "npm run test -- --watch"
}You'll need to compile the Svelte components before using them in Jest, so we need to install svelte-jester
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev svelte-jester
yarn add --dev svelte-jester
Add the following Jest configuration to your
"jest": {
"transform": {
"^.+\\.svelte$": "svelte-jester"
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js", "svelte"],
"testEnvironment": "jsdom"
}If you are using ES6 modules in your project you have to add Jest's babel transform setting (it is set by default, but since we are overriding the transform config, we have to add it explicitly)
5.1 Install
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev babel-jest
yarn add --dev babel-jest
5.2. Add a basic
"presets": [["@babel/preset-env", {"targets": {"node": "current"}}]]
}5.3. Update the Jest transform configuration
"transform": {
"^.+\\.js$": "babel-jest",
"^.+\\.svelte$": "svelte-jester"
},This is optional but it is recommended, you can install jest-dom to add handy assertions to Jest
6.1 Install
- npm
- Yarn
npm install --save-dev @testing-library/jest-dom
yarn add --dev @testing-library/jest-dom
6.2 Add the following to your Jest configuration in
"setupFilesAfterEnv": ["@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect"]
}Create your component + test file (checkout the rest of the docs to see how) and run it
- npm
- Yarn
npm run test
yarn run test
To use TypeScript with Jest, you'll need to install and configure
and ts-jest
. For full instructions, see the
If you'd like to also include any Svelte preprocessors then simply follow the instructions over at svelte-jester.