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Marko Testing Library re-exports everything from DOM Testing Library as well as these methods:


function render(
template, // A Marko template to render
input, // Input for the above template
options // You won't often use this, expand below for docs on options

Render into a container which is appended to document.body.

import {render} from '@marko/testing-library'
import MyTemplate from './my-template.marko'

import {render, screen} from '@marko/testing-library'
import Greeting from './greeting.marko'

test('renders a message', async () => {
const {container} = await render(Greeting, {name: 'Marko'})
<h1>Hello, Marko!</h1>

render Options

You won't often need to specify options, but if you ever do, here are the available options which you can provide as the third argument to render.


By default for client-side tests, Marko Testing Library will create a div and append that div to the document.body and this is where your component will be rendered. If you provide your own HTMLElement container via this option, it will not be appended to the document.body automatically.

For example: If you are unit testing a tablebody element, it cannot be a child of a div. In this case, you can specify a table as the render container.

const table = document.createElement('table')

const {container} = await render(MyTableBody, null, {
container: document.body.appendChild(table),

render Result

The render method returns a promise which resolves with an object that has a few properties:


The most important feature of render is that the queries from the Core API are automatically returned with their first argument bound to the results of rendering your component.

See Queries for a complete list.


const {getByLabelText, queryAllByTestId} = await render(MyTemplate)

Alternatively, you can use the top-level screen method to query into all currently rendered components in the document.body, eg:

import { render, screen } from "@marko/testing-library"

await render(MyTemplate)
const el = screen.getByText(...)


This method is a shortcut for logging the prettyDOM for all children inside of the container.

import {render} from '@marko/testing-library'
import Greeting from './greeting.marko'

const {debug} = await render(Greeting, {name: 'World'})

// <h1>Hello World</h1>
// you can also pass an element: debug(getByTestId('messages'))

This is a simple wrapper around prettyDOM which is also exposed and comes from DOM Testing Library.


A Marko components input can change at any time from a parent component. Although often this input is passed through your component declaratively, sometimes it is necessary to ensure that your components react appropriately to new data. You can simulate your component receiving new input by passing new data to the rerender helper.

import {render} from '@marko/testing-library'
import Greeting from './greeting.marko'

const {rerender, debug} = await render(Greeting, {name: 'World'})

// re-render the same component with different props
await rerender({name: 'Marko'})

// <h1>Hello Marko</h1>


Marko components also communicate with their parents through events. It is recommended to also test that your components emit the right events at the right time.

The emitted helper does just that. Calling the helper will return all emitted events since the last call to the helper. You can also pass in an event type to filter the results.

import {render, fireEvent} from '@marko/testing-library'
import Counter from './counter.marko'

const {getByText, emitted} = await render(Counter)

const button = getByText('Increment')


// Assuming the `Counter` component forwards these button clicks as `increment` events
expect(emitted('increment')).toHaveProperty('length', 2)


// Note: the tracked events are cleared every time you read them.
// Below we are snapshoting the events after our last assertion,
// the return value will include an array with all of the arguments for each increment event.
Array [
Array [
Object {
"count": 3,

// Without an event type will give you all events with their type and arguments.
Array [
Object {
"args": Array [
Object {
"count": 0,
"type": "increment",
Object {
"args": Array [
Object {
"count": 1,
"type": "increment",
Object {
"args": Array [
Object {
"count": 3,
"type": "increment",


Like the top-level cleanup method, this allows you to remove and destroy the currently rendered component before the test has been completed.

This can be useful to validate that a component properly cleans up any DOM mutations once it has been destroyed.

import {render, screen, getRoles} from '@marko/testing-library'
import Main from './main.marko'
import Dialog from './dialog.marko'

await render(Main)

const main = screen.getByRole('main')

const {cleanup} = await render(Dialog)
expect(main).toHaveAttribute('aria-hidden') // assert added attribute

cleanup() // destroy the dialog

expect(main).not.toHaveAttribute('aria-hidden') // assert attribute removed


The containing DOM node of your rendered Marko Component. For server-side tests this is a JSDOM.fragment, and for client-side tests this will be whatever is passed as the container render option.

Tip: To get the root element of your rendered element, use container.firstChild.

🚨 If you find yourself using container to query for rendered elements then you should reconsider! The other queries are designed to be more resilient to changes that will be made to the component you're testing. Avoid using container to query for elements!


Because Marko batches DOM updates to avoid unnecessary re-renders, the fireEvent helpers are re-exported as async functions. Awaiting this ensures that the DOM has properly updated in response to the event triggered in the test.

await'Click me'))


With client-side tests your components are rendered into a placeholder HTMLElement. To ensure that your components are properly removed, and destroyed, after each test the cleanup method is called for you automatically by hooking into afterEach in supported test frameworks. You can also manually call cleanup at any time which will remove all attached components.

import {render, cleanup, screen} from '@marko/testing-library'
import Greeting from './greeting.marko'

await render(Greeting, {name: 'Marko'})


// manually cleanup the component before the test is finished

You can turn off the automatic test cleanup by importing the following module:

import '@marko/testing-library/dont-cleanup-after-each'

With mocha you can use mocha -r @marko/testing-library/dont-cleanup-after-each as a shorthand.

If you are using Jest, you can include setupFilesAfterEnv: ["@marko/testing-library/dont-cleanup-after-each"] in your Jest config to avoid doing this in each file.