Querying Within Elements
(an alias to getQueriesForElement
) takes a DOM element and binds it
to the raw query functions, allowing them to be used without specifying a
container. It is the recommended approach for libraries built on this API and is
used under the hood in React Testing Library and Vue Testing Library.
Example: To get the text 'hello' only within a section called 'messages', you could do:
- Native
- React
- Cypress
import {within} from '@testing-library/dom'
const messages = document.getElementById('messages')
const helloMessage = within(messages).getByText('hello')
import {render, within} from '@testing-library/react'
const {getByText} = render(<MyComponent />)
const messages = getByText('messages')
const helloMessage = within(messages).getByText('hello')
cy.findByText('messages').within(() => {